On the top of lottery page, total prize for the next draw, winner count, total ticket count joined to the draw, your ticket count in the draw and remaining time to the draw are displayed.
Joining Draw
You can see the count of tickets owned for joining a draw.
Just enter the number of tickets you want to use for the draw and submit.
After time is up, you can't join the draw. You can join the next one after the current one is held.
Buying Tickets
Enter the number of tickets you want to buy and click Submit.
You can see the total amount you will pay.
You will be asked twice for confirmation. First one is for approving BUSD transfer, the second one is for the buying tickets transaction.
If you want to immediately join the draw with the tickets, click the checkbox. Otherwise, tickets will be transferred to wallet, and, you can use them whenever you want.
Holding A Draw
Draws will normally managed and processed by the admin. But, in terms of decentralization, anyone can trigger the draw when time is up.
Manage draw section becomes visible after the time is up.
Generating random number
A random number must be generated before triggering the draw.
For generating random number;
You must have at least 0.5 ERC-677 compatible LINK token in your wallet.
Binance Pegged LINK can be bought at Pancakeswap.
This LINK must be converted to ERC-677 compatible LINK at Chainlink Pegswap page.
After clicking Update Random Number button, you will be asked for two confirmations.
One is for approving transfer of required amount LINK from your wallet.
The second is for generating the random number.
Once the random number is updated, Draw button appears.
By clicking Draw button, draw is triggered and prizes are directly transferred to winners.
Draw History
Another section on Lottery page is Draw History.
You can navigate through the rounds.
If you are one of the winners, you can see a confetti image next to the address.
On tickets column, the number of tickets joined to the draw vs. won a prize are displayed.
Transfer Tickets
Lottery tickets can be transferred to others on Lottery page.
Enter a valid address and ticket count which is less or equal to owned ticket count.
And, click Submit.
Last updated